This message is to all parents
I went to bed with these words on my heart
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
This verse came to me at first with some amusement as I remember my children telling me they no longer needed bed time curfews because they are big now. I didn't argue and even now that they have left home I see them falling asleep early and waking up early mornings. I laugh because that's exactly how I brought them up.
I am even (now) shocked that they are awake so early some
I have even greater surprise by the fact that many of the things I see them doing now, are patterns that were set in their growing up. I am excited about what is ahead as the Lord has given me Prophetic words about them and I look forward expectantly seeing them walking in purpose and destiny, using every gift and talent that God gave them for greatness . My daughter - so gifted in the area of music and my son - so gifted with technology, and of course both gifted in the areas of cuisines and food artistry. The best and most fulfilling life is one using all the gifts and talents God gave us.
However, I must advise you all that parenting is a great responsibility and there are some matters here that God wants me to have "real talk" with you about.
None of us are ever or were ever perfect parents we all make mistakes. Do not allow the enemy to condemn you any longer, instead take responsibility for those mistakes, truly repent and ask God to have mercy and dig up those roots of any wrong seed that was sown. Don't hesitate to apologise to your children too but
there is no reason why we should keep reliving the past - blaming ourselves or others - for the choices we see adult children making. I can tell you many of us including myself never had a good foundation and at one time in life I had to make a choice to move forward and do things differently - to choose God's way. That's how we need to pray instead of excusing bad behaviour.
That will give way to a victim mentality.
May God give us the wisdom and tools necessary to parent our children in every season of their life. It's a "job" that never ends, but please note that we have been given Spiritual authority over our children, (no matter what age they may be) our responsibility in the later years is to really pray more than to say. Having authority means we can "speak to those mountains" concerning our children: those mountains may be the negative influences, peer pressure, whatever it may be. Get into fasting and prayer for your children, align your faith with God's perfect will and watch what God will do, because he keeps covenant not only concerning you but also your children and children's children.
You have power and authority as a Praying Parent .....use it!
In Jesus name