Happiness is transient and dependent on temporal things
but true and lasting JOY can really be found in God
When I get into God's presence with no distractions (I say this because I have conditioned myself with such a busy lifestyle in years gone by, to be always thinking of what next needs to be done)
But when I get into God and breathe in from his presence I get a taste of heaven and wish that we could have days like this of just abiding
Well, as I grow older in Christ
I have learned
I can choose to stay in the place of JOY focusing on God
When the challenges comes
When disturbing news come
When negative experiences come
Take a deep breath
Say a prayer
And remind yourself "God's got me, he will work this out somehow, Lord keep me in peace and rest, show me what you want me to do (If you want me to do anything, but you will fight my battles) but I just choose to stay in your rest, abiding in your presence
I choose Peace and Joy. Thank you Lord for loving me"
Walk good in Christ
my friends
Till we meet again
Pastor J