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The painful experiences can be used as tools for Ministerial "building blocks"

Writer's picture: Pastor JPastor J

There is a price to pay for the anointing.

The anointing comes forth AFTER fiery trials ie. painful experiences.

Let us change our focus on what painful, negative experiences and fiery trials represent.

I have matured in Christ and realize that every single one of our experiences God can turn them around for his glory.

All those experiences that we view as being so limiting and debilitating are actually ministerial building blocks.

We cannot lose out living surrendered lives to God.

Every experience that life throws at us we can learn some wisdom from it and it can actually shape and mold our character ie. build faith, patience, endurance and so much more.

How would we KNOW God as healer if we never needed to be healed

How would we KNOW God as deliverer if we never needed deliverance

How would we KNOW God as restorer if we were never broken

Think of the many trials we came out of KNOWING (in a deep intimate way) God

We have proved God to be faithful all the time

And this time is no different whatever we face and are walking through is no different

Perhaps God is waiting for you this time to just LET GO and LET GOD

Come away from the place of asking "Why me Lord?"

Let him have his way.....

Rest in his everlasting arms knowing that

Great Purpose is being birthed out of our painful experiences.

Confess it in the face of adversity

"I am a Man/Woman of God with great purpose and destiny,

I will keep my eyes fixed and focused on God knowing that he is the Author and Finisher of my Faith"

Father the next time I am tempted to waiver and give way to fear, doubt and unbelief, remind me of all you have brought me through


All you are taking me into

In Jesus name


Walk Good in Christ

Till we meet again

Pastor J

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