The Importance Of Being On One Accord
I had a profound experience while watching a program a couple days ago. Hence the thought, “The importance of being on one accord”. This episode emphasized our vulnerability and how easily we can fall into a backslidden state. It also stresses the importance of family.
The story is built around a family where the father is a football coach. The mother is a lawyer and their twins, a son and a daughter, both college students. These children have built friendships with other youths, through their high school experiences, mainly football. All their friends have different personalities but are able to build an unbreakable bond.
Sadly, the father passed away and even though it affected many people, it was evident how much more it affected his daughter. Being a recovering alcoholic, she was poised to relapse. But her determination not to, initiated a meeting with family and friends requesting their support. One accordness births great a great support infrastructure for both the family and the church, this definitely prompts individuals to be unafraid to reach out for help in their time of need.
The Lord God showed me how powerful and important it is for us to be on one accord. Acts 2:1 “…. they were all with one accord in one place.” They were united, had no discord or strife among them, even their expectations and intentions were the same. The story of Nineveh also came to mind, how the whole city came together, fasted and prayed. The end result being, God repented from destroying them, Jonah 3:5-10. Is the Church on one accord?
God Bless.