What better way to start your day than with God
The life I now live is IN CHRIST.
As I open my eyes I think of God
and I begin to give him thanksgiving
Even for the things I haven't seen yet
It is just good to have assurance that God took you this far
and he gave you a new day with a fresh start and something wonderful is always ahead
in God, he has wonderful plans ahead for us!
It is good to LET GO of the PAST and let God
Prayer is our love language in our relationship with God
So it is not just a one way conversation asking God for things
in the surrendered life, more time is spent listening to God
breathing in from God his instructions, his infilling, his love, grace, peace, joy and strength
I know no better way to start the day than in prayer, continue too in prayer and end the day in pray. Abide in God's presence!
Try it, you will find that after you discipline yourself to do this for a season, then it becomes automatic to continue praying.
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J