Dear friends
Today I am led to remind you of God's faithfulness, he is a good Father - you can trust his heart.
I pray he will quiet our hearts and bring us comfort where we need.
Make no doubt about it we are living in perilous times but God has prepared us for these times.....he showed us in his word, in detail the eschatological events that would unfold during these "end-times". It is as if God's word has come alive and we see every end-time prophecy unfolding word for word. These words can only be revealed and understood by those who are in relationship with him. Why? They are warnings, so that our hearts would not be troubled and we would not faint.
At the same time these events are unfolding God is pouring out his Spirit and his power. His glory is evident all over in gatherings and as his people worship him. Individuals are having deeper and deeper fulfilling encounters with God.
The promises he gave are coming forth and miracles are being released all over this world.
At the same time though my friends we seem to challenged - bombarded from many angles - (the media with the highlights of negative events with such sensationalism) and so much more. What doesn't help is the individuals who highlight and dramatize these events with the words they speak, we encounter them with such frequency. The message "to fear" is coming from many angles.
What should we do? Abide abide abide.
Depend on God for strength, grace, comfort and all we need.
Trust and worship him in the face of adversity, not one of us seem to be immune right now to being challenged.
Stand on his promises.
God's promises are the words found in the Holy Bible in answer to any given situation mankind would face.
I will testify here as I had a harrowing day yesterday and at the end of the day, I simply fell to my knees in prayer. I needed to be in God's presence and hear his voice more than anything else. I always pray and ask God to speak to me through his word. As I turned the pages of my "well worn" bible - I turned to a chapter full of promises that he has given me. In just a few minutes I was transformed from concerned to comforted and encouraged. I knew it was the hand and voice of my Father. How could they say he is not real?
For each season of my life since I became Holy Spirit filled - God gave me promises. I have seen them come forth again and again and again for the last 30 years and this time the reminder of his promise for me in this season so reassured me and these words also seemed to come alive from the pages
Jeremiah 33:14
Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah
I received it though as if God spoke to me.
Do you have God’s promise concerning your situations?
He already has an answer to your prayer and your problem. It's found in his promises.
Find that special treasure God has given to you and keep it written in your mind and heart. It will come to pass. Trust him for he is true to his word. Stand on his promises, for he is a Faithful Father.
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J