I have spoken in unknown tongues as a young convert during my initial infilling of the Holy Spirit, as well as when I became a mature Christian, during the demonic attack of a possessed man. I can therefore say with confidence that, while there are different types of tongues, the tongues mentioned in verse two of first Corinthians chapter fourteenth have nothing to do with natural languages from different cultures.
Unknown tongues are unknown.
The spirit-man is edified and not the natural man.
There are individuals within the body of Christ gifted with the interpretation of tongues, as well as individuals who the Holy Spirit unctions to interpret tongues in a congregational setting, to give a word, to edify, exhort, comfort or prophecy.
Unfortunately, many who don't understand the different types of tongues, who don't have the spiritual gift, or even had the privilege of speaking in UNKNOWN tongues, often teach about it and give personal interpretations of speaking in tongues.
Please understand, Unknown tongues are personal, edifying the person who is speaking. Nevertheless, it can lead to confusion in a public setting where;
1). infilling by-way-of the Holy Spirit is happening.
2). Zeal, emotional expression or burden of the heart are from self and not the Holy Spirit.
3). There is a message in tongues but the interpreter remains silent and quenches the spirit.
The three encounters mentioned above I've experienced. Therefore I believe that the most qualified individuals to teach and speak on the topic of unknown tongues are usually the one who operates, manifests and exercises this gift of the spirit, as well as the diversity of tongues.
Look at it this way, If you are an expert linguist and your area of expertise is linguistics then you are able to comprehend.
Therefore, if you speak in UNKNOWN tongues and have the gift of diversity of tongues, you are better able to explain this gift to whomever may not understand the significance.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. . . . As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
In the Old Testament God uses tongues to divide, separate and scatter the ancient global agenda. (Genesis 11 tower of Babél)
In the New Testament God uses tongues to unite, bring together in one accord. Visitors from many nations around the world were gathered together in Jerusalem. (Act 2 day of Pentecost).
Genesis 11:9]
1. Reversal of Babel: tongues are understood [Acts 2: 5-10]
2. God scattered the people in judgment to the four corners of the earth [Genesis 11:8].
2. People will scatter to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to bring into the Covenant the harvest of souls from every corner of the earth [Acts 1:8]
3. Language is used to promote a human agenda: "Let's make a name for ourselves..." [Genesis 11:4]
3. Language is used as a "sign" to announce the mighty works of God.
4. Results in disunity [Genesis 11:8]
4. Results in unity
To the body of Christ.
Peace & Love ❤️
Marcel and Jackie Bruff 🙏🏽