Seek God (desperately, consistently) and you will find him.
God will only reveal himself as much as we search for him.
Jeremiah 29:13
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me (New Living Translation)
Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (Amplified Translation)
Do you want more of God? He is pouring out and he wants to give you more.
Soooo many operating in the "outer courts" the dimension of the soulish realm - the "feel good" realm not realizing that if they press beyond that place they will have such deep unforgettable experiences with God.
That dimension in God offers rich fulfillment and the satisfaction of the soul.
We can only have access to that place if we desire God's "face" (to know and see him) more than we desire his hand of just miraculous provision. Imagine this one may be asking God to pay a bill for £50 not realising that if one sought him first and his righteousness (principles of living), one would receive an overflow of £5,000.00 and more instead. Think on that carefully.
One may be in the place of calling forth miracles all the time, but God doesn't want us to live in the place of "almost drowning" and having to cry out help, help, all the time. He wants us to be connected to the vine and live "out of his presence".
So how do we live the victorious life and walk in God's best even when challenged. We Walk Good in Christ when we live Spirit led, Spirit filled lives. There we will live out of relationship with God, from the overflow of his blessings, we will truly live the abundant life.
No matter how hurried and busy I am, I present myself before God each morning AND search his word. Expecting to hear his voice. I do hear instructions from him each morning, receive comfort, healing, whatever need I have God will fill. I await certain answers, but he has already given me the revelation of what is to come with his promises and I just wait expectantly on him. You see when you can "see" what God said, you have already received your breakthrough and promise. That's faith!
May we be a people who not only live calling forth miracles, may we be a people who live and walk according to God's principles as outlined in his word. His word leads you to a pathway of fruitfulness, blessing and over flow. May we live and continue to walk along the straight and narrow pathway, thus glorifying God.
Press in to God today, seek him above the din of this world, though the negative circumstances and the enemy can shout so loudly, press beyond all that would distract or pull you away. God is waiting for you with open arms and when you have that encounter with Abbah don't move. Abide in his presence, it's the best place to be.
I pray you will experience God in new dimensions. May he give you such a zeal and thirsting after him. May he cause you to live a fulfilled life of joy, peace and overflow. In Jesus name.
Walk good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J