Good morning my friends
As we start the new day and week, may we consider this. Sometimes we can think God is taking such a long time, but he had the answer there all along and he was just waiting for us to come into alignment with his perfect will by believing and obeying him.
No doubt the children of Israel thought God was taking so long and even at one point of the journey into the promised land, when they had to fight the battles and face the red sea they began to confess that Moses should have left them in Egypt (the place of bondage), this account is given in Exodus 14. Even before that they wished for the foods in Egypt instead of being grateful for the manna God supplied them with each day (Numbers 11). Appeasing the flesh can feel so good at times but brings about the results of delay, hindrance and even disruption of God’s plan for us.
The disciples unable to have victory in casting out a demon (the account is in Matthew 17) were chided for their lack of faith.
In another instance in Matthew 8, there was a storm, Jesus was in the boat sleeping and they became so afraid (even though they had experience the miraculous many times as they walked and talked with Jesus), Jesus rebuked the winds and he chided them for their unbelief.
Perhaps it may seem as if you have waited an "eternity", but may our prayer today be:
Lord purify our faith, any area that we have gone down the pathway of self and flesh show us by your mercy and realign us to your perfect will. Lord help us with our unbelief, move us from faith to faith, glory to glory and strength to strength. We take authority over delay and hindrance that may have been caused by our own lack of faith or not walking in obedience to all you have instructed us to do. We repent.Thank you Father for realligning us to your perfect will. We wait IN you with a stance of complete faith, hope and trust in you. We wait IN you with worship.
Walk good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J