Good morning dear friends
"Brace" yourselves as we enter a new week,
Will soon end a year and come into a new year.
Yesterday in our prayer group we spent a long time dealing with "buried" issues that came about as a result of injustices suffered.
You many of us instead of confronting or facing issues, we bury them because we are told we should never as Christians respond to injustice.
First let's deal with what causes injustice.
Injustice is brought about because man (or woman) is trying to have his/her way and using their influence to bring about an outcome in any given situation in a way that benefits themselves. Some times this is done "behind the scenes". An injustice would be a cause to try to subvert God's will or abort destiny for a particular individual.
Here is the thing now injustice can come from such unexpected sources, even from other Christians, family members, close friends and even in Church circles.
If you have suffered injustice - welcome to the "club". I tell you my friends we all have suffered some kind of injustice or other in this life and if you are a Christian - you will suffer for Christ's sake, especially because we cannot respond in like manner in many situations. We must take up our cross daily - and part of bearing that suffering is the crucifixion of the flesh and it's responses.
Please renounce the thoughts that you have suffered the greatest injustice ever. The enemy would like you to get into a place of the victim mentality.
When we jump into the stories and teachings found in the Bible, it’s clear that injustice is a topic that’s taken very seriously. I’ve found that the Bible doesn’t shy away from showcasing the consequences of injustice, no matter who’s involved. Whether it’s individuals or entire nations, the message is loud and clear.
We wonder sometimes the following:
1 Does God really understand how much it hurts?
2 Where is God in the midst of my suffering injustice?
3 Why would God allow this in my life?
Dear friends God is right there with you in the midst of your suffering.
Leave everything in God’s hands - he is a just God, don't allow that injustice to derail or distract you. We will not allow the enemyto blindside us any more.
You don't need to worry about the consequences for another committing an injustice - any act an individual takes is a seed sown and they will definitely bear the fruit. I want to tell you though my friends many times individuals do not even know the depth of the wound they have caused as many choices are made in lack of knowledge, shortsightedness or blindness.
Your responsibility is YOU, your responses and bringing that hurt and pain before God.
I used to be very confrontational, now I have learned to be CARE-frontational and even better I have learned to just simply walk away and leave things in the hands of the Lord.
While you leave things in God's hands you need to be assured and comforted by the fact that God will hear your cry, bind up your broken heart and heal your wound. God will comfort you in those deep places.
Some things you need to do about injustice:
1 Admit the truth of how deeply you are hurt, don't bury it, take it to God, he is the greatest healer. Even if the other person changed, repented, said sorry, they can't heal you - ONLY GOD CAN
2 Do some self evaluation, sometimes it can be a perceived wrong. There are two sides to every story.Think carefully - why does that thing wound you so deeply? Are there unresolved issues in your heart from old experiences. Those unresolved issues will "attract" these injustices if not dealt with. Deep sanctification before the Lord is required
3 Let it go - as long as you hold onto it is as long as it takes for resolution - LET GO and LET GOD
4 When you look at the bigger picture, then you realise: Once you are in Christ - you can only gain from any situation you walk through. One can gain wisdom, strength, more compassion (you will truly understand another's pain when you have walked through something similar), build Christlike characteristics of patience, longsuffering, endurance and there so much more.
Purpose is always birthed from our painful experiences truly we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
5 Sometimes we need to go to an individual to have resolution, allow God to lead you.
Let it go today my friends don't even look back for the consequence that individual will suffer.
Let it go and let God
Walk good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J