My dearest friends even as I start this new day. I give God thanksgiving and if you're reading this post we have experienced the miracle of a new day. He has woken us up because of his love with his great love grace and mercy.
I once did some scientific research and this is what I found - the human body has about one hundred trillion cells, made with hundreds of different kinds of tissues and dozens of organs. How awesome is that? Each day 365,000 new babies are born. How magnificent is that? Man no matter their efforts, cannot create one life and duplicate such magnificent. Only God can carve out an individual life from the womb for his glory.
In addition do you look at the magnificence and order of the world. All around us there is beauty. The heavens declare God's glory.
All this could only be done by a God who specialises in impossibilities.
So when you go to God today, go with the faith believing that nothing is impossible for God to do. May God purify our faith and cause us to live in such expectancy each day.
Situations and circumstances can loom so large, they may look like giants or mountains but yet God says our faith can move mountains.
I have proved God not just hundreds of times but thousands of times. Healing and provisional miracles happen every day, lives change dramatically too. These experiences happen at such an increasing measure and they happen without explanation. The solutions and answers to prayer defy natural law and bring such satisfying results to give God glory.
My life is a testimony of God's miracle working power. I tell you my friends each day I experience such an abundance of miracles. Just yesterday I had at least 4 biggggg miracles that were unexplainable naturally, but answers to prayer. These were not just for myself but for others I pray with and for.
So my friends I challenge you today - go to God with the faith that believes for the impossible, because absolutely nothing is impossible for God to do.
Circumstances may challenge you but the answer lies with God. He can turn your situation around and make your life brand new. He can do the impossible in your life and situation. No matter how long you've waited, be expectant for a miracle today.
Lord we thank you for manifesting your power in these lives. Abbah Father I ask you to turn around any limiting debilitating situations, we need a miracle in these situations Lord. We know you can do the impossible. Thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen
Hebrews 11 J B Phillips
1-3 Now faith means putting our full confidence in the things we hope for, it means being certain of things we cannot see. It was this kind of faith that won their reputation for the saints of old. And it is after all only by faith that our minds accept as fact that the whole scheme of time and space was created by God’s command—that the world which we can see has come into being through principles which are invisible
Nothing is impossible for God to do
Believe him wholeheartedly
In Jesus name