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New Wine by Pastor Samson Bodjor

Writer's picture: Pastor JPastor J

Topic: New Wine

*SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:17*

[17]“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”

*MESSAGE FOR TODAY. To receive something new you must become someone new.* Our text says you cannot put new wine in an old wine skin because it can destroy the wine skin and waste the new wine. Every level of grace will require a new level of consecration. What comes on you will be determined by what changed in you. *Everything you desire has a sacrifice it requires, only the new can sustain the new. Many people are not growing because they are not changing, if nothing changes in you nothing new will come on you. Something must change in you before something can change around you.* For some of us it may be a habit that needs to change, if God cannot trust you with your current level of blessings, he won't usher you to a new level of blessing.

*Beloved, blessing men is not difficult for God but his concern is what the blessings can do to us.* Some of the blessings you are praying for are waiting for you to change because a new wine will rent an old wine skin. Renew your mind for the new wine you desire. If you cannot be faithful with the little, how can you be faithful with much? *The equation is new wine to a new skin, if you desire the new, become new.* Some of us have to let go of that anger that destroys, some of us have to let go of certain sin and weight that easily beset us.


pay the price for the grace

you seek. This is why the apostles had to wait in the upper room, their spirits needed to be renewed before the holy Spirit can rest on them. Yours may be unforgiveness, let it go! *Every hate you hold in your heart is holding back something from your life.* New wine needs a new wine skin, new grace needs a new man!


Father, thank you for grace. Help us take away anything that hinders the new wine! Purge us and prepare us for the new wine in Jesus precious Name

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