SCRIPTURE: “…Make sure they are well versed in every branch of learning,"are gifted with knowledge and good judgment, and are suited to serve in the royal palace…”
Daniel 1":4b (NLT)
MESSAGE FOR THE DAY: If you do not want your life to degenerate,"update; you need mental update for destiny upgrade.
Not too long ago, I travelled to the place of my birth and saw the building that was celebrated around the 1980s as the best building in that community. But I became amazed because the building has now become an eyesore. Imagine that! What was celebrated yesterday is being tolerated today. The truth is, if you do not want your life to degenerate,then upgrade your life.
Someone once said “the largest room in the world is the room for improvement.”
In preparation for the New Year 2023, determine to upgrade or improve yourself on whatever you do. If you are not updated, you will be out-dated; you need to update to have an upgrade; you need to update your mentality in order to upgrade your destiny. The world is moving; people are moving, you can’t afford to be the only one not moving!
However, you have to refuse the life of comparison because when you compare yourself with mediocre persons, you may feel like a champion amongst them whereas you are still battling with how to become excellent. It is like a butterfly calling itself or feeling like a bird in the company of flies.
Beloved, at the end of your journey on earth, God is not going to ask you of the number of people you were ahead of; He would ask you of how productive you were compared to the potentials He deposited in you.
Today, receive the impartation of the grace for personal update and improvement in Jesus’ Name.
1. Avoid the lifestyle of competition and comparison; competition will only lead to tension and limitation.
2. Continuously update yourself by going closer to God; nobody can refurbish you like your Maker
3. Update yourself also by reading wide, asking questions, researching around your discipline, etc.
PRAYER": Lord,"I ask for the grace to be given to continuous upgrade. I refuse to live an outmoded, out-dated and antiquated life. I yield myself to You for total improvement, refurbishing and refurnishing of my mentality for my next level Lord, in Jesus precious name.