When the love of God overtakes one's heart one is motivated to GIVE.
This so mirrors God...he GAVE his only begotten son. He GIVES us unconditional love and showers us with such undeserved love, mercy, grace and favour.
Want to live the fulfilled life? Then begin to GIVE unceasingly. Not because you want anything in return but because your all belongs to God. You recognize you don't own anything on this earth permanently, but God has given you everything for a season. You can't take any of these material possessions with you when you leave this earth, because in this land of the living you are only a steward of the possessions you have here on this earth.
So there is something greater happening each time that we give:
1 We are representing God as his true Ambassadors in his Kingdom
2 We are sowing a seed in the Kingdom
3 We are shoring up blessings for our many generations to come
Try letting go and GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.
One cannot out-give God.
Listen to this biblical principle:
Proverbs 11:24 AMP
There is the one who [generously] scatters [abroad], and yet increases all the more;
And there is the one who withholds what is justly due, but it results only in want and poverty.
Try this principle of living every day ( GIVING of your time, your talent, your money) you will you find your life to be so enriched.
Remember though, don't just give scraps or what you don't want. Our giving can glorify God...may we live with such Giving that mirrors God's heart
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J