Living a purpose filled life
“Teach us to number our days so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” ( Psalm 90:12).
Or as the Living Bible puts it, “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should.”
One of the most dreadful things in this world is to live and never fulfill one's purpose and calling.
As a minister of the Gospel I have preached at funerals for several persons that never accomplished anything in life and who died with unfinished tasks. It is the most heart-rending experience to officiate or minister over the casket.
A Life Without Purpose Has No Meaning. "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." (proverbs 25:28)
Motivational speakers emphasize the importance of having a purpose in life. They all tell us that a life without purpose and unaccomplished calling is not the right way to go into eternity.
Inspiration that is internally driven sparks a desire in us to pursue. Someone might feel inspired to evangelize and seek the souls of the unsaved, or to write a song, to pursue a university degree or press into God by-way-of fasting and prayer. Unlike motivation which is external driven, inspiration comes from within, and drives us through passion and a zeal.
It may be challenging because you may be occupied with school, work, family and/or financial obligations,...etcetera. However, mindset and inspiration are important keys to fulfilling your purpose and calling in this life.
Connecting with individuals within the area you have been inspired to work can be helpful and locating destiny helpers who will help to propel you into your calling is important.
"As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).
Positive role models and sober mentorship are necessary as well to stir up the gifts and talents within you.
"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands" (2 Timothy 1:6).
Lord Jesus I pray for anyone reading this blog that they too will be stirred up to examine themselves properly and ask the question, ‘am I fulfilling my God-given purpose?, Am I pleasing God? Am I fulfilling my calling here on earth?’.
Heavenly father stir up our conscience and let there be a rebirth of Inspiration internally in our hearts and souls to come in alignment with our calling that you have placed us here on earth to do. Dear God may we never leave this world with unfinished tasks. Lord guide and direct us to accomplish all that you created us to do in Jesus Christ name, amen!
Marcel and Jacqueline Bruff