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The fulfilled life in Christ

Writer's picture: Pastor JPastor J

Good morning dearly beloved friends

I just want to testify today but before I do let me share you verses

Proverbs 11:24/25

24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.

25 The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.

Yesterday I spent the day getting stuff and preparing to ship barrels to the country of my birth. Each year I sacrificially and supernaturally get this done, just because God said I should and to bless the people who serve in the intercessory and benevolent ministry (of food distribution) in Jamaica.

I worked so tirelessly yesterday getting this done.

I heard the voice of God ever so clearly yesterday, even as I asked myself, how am I able to get all this done, his voice brought to my heart the verses - "He who waters will himself be watered"

I have absolutely proved that those words are true.

God has always made me a giver, I remember the first time I held money in my hand I gave it all away to the man stretching his hand to beg on the train travelling with Grandmama going to visit my Mom. Needless to say she chided me the rest of the journey lol. Over the years I got so much chiding bringing home the stray cats, dogs and anyone who needed help. This graduated into taking people into my house over the years (even before I began ministry). Feeding the hungry, placing people in jobs, sourcing housing for individuals and much more.

When I moved to a rural area, my Bishop at the time - Bishop Adegold told me nobody usually moves from the city to the country they usually do it the other way around. He said let me pray and he came back saying God sent you there to feed the poor both spiritually and physically, needless to say the ministry was successful in spite of the intense opposition.

When I think of my day this is how it works, 80 percent of the working hours is spent pouring out to others. Even my business is founded on giving as it is based on hospitality. I find some way to give guests and customers extra, to pour out love and leave the mark for Christ's sake. If I am not working I am counselling and praying with and encouraging others. I awake fill up with God's love and his power and then I begin to be a blessing. God’s love is not something we can contain, it overflows. Amen

What a wonderful life of fulfilment just to be so free but full (of God’s Agape love) to mirror our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the earth.

To live the life more abundantly doesn't take much just fill up with God's love and power and then have a made up mind to be a blessing.

When God proves your heart in the small things he will definitely increase you to much more.

I tell you my friends marvel as they see this thing happening when they visit, I put one cup of rice and it fills the whole pot, I cook and it feeds so is God doing a supernatural miraculous work in all areas of my life including my health.

So my friends the simple keys to living the life more abundantly

1 Give, give, give and give more

2 Never give with wrong motives expecting something back. You give just because you heard God’s voice, he controls your heart and you recognise you are a steward here on this earth of all these "things"

3 Have a made up mind to be a blessing and to be an effective ambassador for the Kingdom, reflecting Christ everywhere you go

4 Ask God to fill you to the overflow. I guarantee he will

5 This point I heard God prophetically say I was to share with you


All answers to every problem are found in God

6 Be expectant to receive miracles from God each day not just for yourself. The Abrahamic covenant states

Genesis 12:1 - 3

The Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

7 Allow God to empower you to give and be a blessing. Stop asking for spuritual gifts (for wrong motives) - as you seek God first and his Kingdom, he will definitely give you all other things and empower you for effective daily living


Gotta go now my friends - excited as I open the gifts God sends today AND ready to bless some people, many people and encourage many.

Thank you for your prayers as we grow together in Christ

Walk good in Christ

Till we meet again

Pastor J

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