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Hypocrisy: The bane of Christianity by Pastor Samson Bodjor


SCRIPTURE: Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Mathew 23:28 


MESSAGE FOR THE DAY: There is no destiny for the hypocrite; there can be no future for the fake. You cannot attain a glorious destiny with a forged identity.


Hypocrisy, according to the Oxford Learners’ Dictionary, is a form of behavior in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have. It is a false appearance of goodness. It is concealing your real character. Simply put, hypocrisy is living a life of pretense. 

When you present yourself to be what you are not, you are a hypocrite.  The truth is, hypocrisy is a corrupter and spoiler of destiny. There is no destiny for the hypocrite; and there can be no future for the fake.


The tragedy today is, many children of God are living double faceted lives. That is, what they do in the closet is different from what they do in the open. They are saints in church but sinners outside the church. What an error!


Beloved, you cannot attain a glorious destiny with a forged identity. The mark of true and authentic Christianity is that you do not have a different lifestyle in public and another one in private. Your confession is your practice both publicly and privately. You are a Christian not just by words but in deeds. When you are at such a point, then, the fulfilment of your destiny is guaranteed.


I release upon you the grace to be real to yourself, to people and to God in Jesus’ Name.



1. Desist from any lifestyle that contradicts the authenticity of your Christianity.

2. If needs be, do what you can to change the information on your forged documents.

3. Consciously determine to be sincere.


PRAYER: Lord, I sincerely repent of every lifestyle of hypocrisy I have hitherto exhibited. Deliver me from the life of fakeness. Grant me the grace to be brutally sincere, genuine and real, Lord in Jesus precious Name

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