Good morning my friends as we start this new week, let us remember this - God keeps his word concerning us. As I read this morning from the books of Jeremiah 30 to 32 I heard God's voice clearly speaking about covenant.
He gave us his word to point us in the direction to go and all throughout the word, we cannot miss this outstanding characteristic of our Father - his faithfulness! He gives us words to describe this faithfulness too the words - Covenant and Promises.
Imagine even as I read these passages these words were spoken to the people in a time when the people were in captivity because of their own choices, but yet God spoke to stir hope. Please note God has good plans for not only us but our children too.
Even when we his children do "bad", he is making a way for us to return, to come back to be restored. God always intends for us to end well. Will we choose his way? Will we turn to him wholeheartedly and trust him in the face of adversity.
Even when the times seem the driest, he is making a way where there seems to be no way.
Hope in God because he will never disappoint you or make you ashamed.
God gave us his promises because he knew we would walk through dry and barren times of suffering and bewilderment - that my friends is the reality of life for both the Christian and the Non Christian. God's children have an answer though to every one of life's "hardship" -
"God will keep me safe, he is my hiding place
God will give me strength and grace as he takes me through (not over or not away from, but through)
God WILL work ALL things out for my good and his glory"
Amen and amen
Walk good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J