Psalm 91:13
You will tread upon the lion and cobra;
The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot
If only those who are in Christ knew their authority. YOU have authority in the name of Jesus!
The spirit of Christ rests and resides within us. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.
I have counselled many who were suffering demonic harassment and no matter how others prayed until they rose up in authority in Christ Jesus and faced the enemy, they never had any long lasting relief.
God gave us all we need to be victorious in Christ. We "fight" from a position of victory. There IS a finished work at Calvary's cross. There is not one who has laid hold of the kingdom principles of effective spiritual warfare that did not lay hold of their deliverance. It is a process though, it takes time.
God allows some uncomfortable situations and he will use them all to build character and building character takes time. He will use all for his glory.
I pray God will make you aware of your authority and will teach you spiritual warfare principles. He wants you in the place of prospering and being in good health even as your soul prospers. Anything that opposes God's will and plan and purpose for his goodness in your life should not be accepted. We need to rise up no matter what we are facing, last out this season of facing the COVID 19 pandemic, and even now move out as soldiers in God's army, be God's mouthpiece in this season, pray fervently and speak the very oracles of God. I pray for boldness to come upon you in Jesus name
It is time to lay hold of your deliverance and fulfill God's purpose. This will not be the way you expect, but I speak to you prophetically - God has prepared you well in the last season of your life. Rise up and be counted, wait out the storm, last out the storm. Receive your deliverance and true freedom in Christ, lay hold of all that God has for you by faith. Take your position of authority in the kingdom through Christ Jesus.
You are part of God's remnant on this earth, you will fulfill your purpose on this earth in Jesus name
Walk Good in Christ
My friends
Till we meet again
Pastor J