God is known as a WAYMAKER
He is known as a MIRACLE WORKING God
Absolutely nothing is impossible for him to do
Imagine this God of such magnificence that created the heavens and the earth and yet he still chose to draw us close.
Do you know he has a good plan for you
And he thinks favourable thoughts of you.
Read Psalm 139 to have an understanding of God's love and favour for you.
His good plan for you was formulated the day he created you in the womb, he only says let ME lead you in the way to Go.
Yes Lord lead us and we will follow.
In this season we appropriate the miracles needed to sustain us in the next few days, weeks and months.
This is an uncommon season
One like this requires grace, strength and supernatural provision from God.
He CAN do it.
Would you hone out the miracles he has for you?
Ask him
Believe him
But position yourself to receive from him
Your positioning will cause you to declare and decree God's will on earth as it is in heaven and just worship him, giving thanksgiving for answered prayer.
Heavenly Father
We believe unconditionally that you want us to be blessed and whole.
We are prepared and ready for the tremendous outpouring of your spirit. You have always made a way for us and we believe you for restoration. Restoration in proportion for all those things that were lost and stolen.
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Thank you for making
A way for us
In Jesus name
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J