God can do anything - after all he created the heavens and the earth
Our frail human minds cannot even fathom the magnanimity of this wonderful
It is only after we receive his offering of reconciliation (through Christ Jesus) that we can tap into God's greatness, but no matter how much we grow in God there is still so much more for us to discover.
I woke up one morning about two years ago and I said God how do I describe you and the response came back INEFFABLE!
I had to look it up because I knew not what the word meant
I will share with you the meaning here:
INEFFABLE adjective
too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
I am in awe just thinking of this God. Though he is magnificent
He chose to draw us close to him
Just receive today the fullness of his love,
glory and grace for you.
He so wants to embrace you and hold you close
Just let him
Breath out and surrender all those cares and receive newness of life
Just trust that he will work out all the cares and concerns That you have because nothing is impossible for him to do
Ask him to Give you the endurance needed in this season as you wait expectantly
positioned in faith and trust for all he has ahead
Trust him
He IS working it out!
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J