Good day again my friends.
If these are ever our thoughts -
"That person wounded me so deeply and I am going to cut them off and move on"
Where did that cutting off come from?
Truth is that God seperates some people and even with the seperating ( if our heart is truly filled with the love of Christ) then we should still continue to love.
Here are some factors which contribute to divisions though -
It can be our own unhealed wounds, so we perceive the offensive "matter" as being so big
Our cultural upbringing and personalities can also contribute to the way we perceive situations. One person can find one thing so offensive and the to the other it is "like water on a duck's back"
Our circumstances and general demeanor for the day can also affect the way we view things
As we grow in Christ, we should begin to continue in love even when wounded (offended).
Here is the attitude that contributes to an unloving spirit...
One may think of someone else's sins as being so BIG while our own sin is small.
We need to think of things this way - God showered us with undeserved mercy and grace and still continues to do so. We should be able to extend this undeserved love, grace and mercy to others.
Let some people of the hook today.
Forgiveness is always a choice, and it lines up with obeying God’s instructions even if we don't understand why.
Unforgiveness is so subtle, but here is an easy check:
When remembering the incident of being wounded, do you still replay the old emotion?
Are you able to bless the offender?
Can God trust you with the anointing? Would you be able to minister freedom and blessing to the one who hurt you so badly?
God requires that heart attitude for anyone who will carry the weight of his glory and his power. This is what being Christlike is all about, we continue walking in Agape Love.
Obey God today
Walk in steps of freedom
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J