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Change me Oh God!

Writer's picture: Pastor JPastor J

In order to come into all God has for us, to truly mirror Christ

And God's Agape Love requires us coming away from the old

And coming into the new.

This is done by the transforming process - the process of "Being changed"

This doesn't happen with trying to fix ourselves externally (it won't last, I've tried it)

It comes about by submitting to God

God will then change our hearts and changed hearts result in changed behaviors, thoughts, actions,emotional responses, choices and speaking

The transformation process begins with surrender but please

remember it is a daily battle and transformation takes time.

The Greek word for transformed is:


and the meaning from the strong's concordance is (from 3326 /metá, "change after being with" and 3445 /morphóō, "changing form in keeping with inner reality") – properly, transformed after being with; transfigured.

[3339 (metamorphóō) is the root of the English terms "metamorphosis" and "metamorphize."]

Simply it means change as in the example of a caterpillar to a butterfly

Start today, the walk of the new life in Christ

Surrender all to God and daily lay your hands on yourself and just say simply -

God change me, I surrender all. I want to mirror you Lord and only you can do this change in me. I just submit to your process of lovingly shaping and molding in Jesus name


Walk in freedom

Walk good in Christ

Till we meet again

Pastor J

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