Caught in a Miry Clay?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it felt like every attempt to rectify it, seems like you’re just making It worse? The pain associated with that feeling can be so overwhelming but I encourage you today to cry out to the Lord and wait. God is able to pull you out of that Miry Clay.
David found himself in a similar situation from issues with King Saul, his son Absolom and the pit he dug for himself with Bethsheba. Psalm 40:1-2, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Saints, every issue David was faced with, seemed like it got worse and worse with every attempt to make it better. This is where the metaphor “Miry Clay” came into play.
Miry clay here signifies a quicksand; a sand that when caught in it you find yourselves sinking. The only way out of this quicksand, is a person physically using an instrument of some kind to pull you out. Spiritually and physically, we are constantly in battles; miry clays that sometimes we put ourselves in. Pits we have fallen in and at the bottom there’s no solid ground to stand on, just quicksand. The only way out, is the Mighty hand of our Lord and Savior.
Have you taken your eyes off God and find yourself in sinking sand? Peter in Matthew 14, found himself in a similar situation. After bidding the Lord to allow him to walk on the water, Peter’s faith was shattered. This caused him to start sinking and the only viable choice he had was to call out to the Lord. Call out to God today, He will save you.
God Bless.