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Are you prepared for war daily by Minister Owen Mitchell

Writer's picture: Pastor JPastor J


Are you Prepared for War Daily

We have a true enemy that is out to get us. The Lord said to Peter in Luke 22:31, “…., Simon, Simon, behold, satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:” A bible scholar translates, to sift you as wheat this way, “to assault you by furious and violent temptations, or to try you to the uttermost. The “you”, in this passage is plural, meaning all the disciples of that time, subsequently meaning us today.

The battles of life are raging, are you prepared for war daily? We are in a spiritual war, it’s “.... against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places,” Ephesians 6:12. To be prepared we have to believe that we are in a daily battle. We have to believe there is an enemy after our soul. The same enemy that tried to destroy Job, is the same enemy working to destroy us.

When we arrived to minister to the homeless, the atmosphere was totally different. It was the first times I felt the way I did. My spiritual eyes opened wide. The homeless people lined the streets. The different smells created a umbrella over us, but we were cover under the blood, so we proceeded to do God’s will. It was to the extent where I was verbally abused, which caused me to “Stand”. I was prepared but was caught off guard. I had to quickly realize that it was the enemy working through them.

Are you prepared for war daily? When we least expect it, the enemy is at us. Be not unwise about the devices of the enemy. I pray we will fully armor ourselves daily as we proceed to do God’s will, in Jesus’ name.

God Bless.

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