The perspective of the Kingdom measures everything by God's measure which is LOVE
Let all our actions, choices and speaking be governed God's word and therefore be governed by LOVE
It was LOVE that caused God to sent his only begotten son who lived a perfect life and died as a sinless sacrifice in the place of sinful humanity
It was LOVE that caused Jesus to go on that cross and bear the scourging, shame, mockery and pain
LOVE causes us to live in grace each day and to sacrificially give
After all the religious formulas and rituals, it is truly LOVE that makes the difference.
If we give LOVE then we cannot lose out
It is a seed sown in the kingdom that automatically bears forth fruit
Only if we have the right heart attitude.
We give not with a motive to get back, but we give just because God said
May God fill our hearts with his love
and increase our giving
Especially our giving of LOVE
in Jesus name
Walk Good in Christ
Till we meet again
Pastor J