A Butler’s Connection
As my wife and I listened intently to a message from God, delivered to us by a dear Pastor, it left me in awe. “Connectivity through Butlership”.
The story is told of Joseph imprisoned by Pharaoh and given the responsibility to serve both his butler and his baker, Genesis 40:3-4. Both had dreams that required interpretations. After interpreting their dreams, Pharaoh restored the butler but the baker was hanged. Joseph asked the butler to remember him when he is restored, vs. 14.
Saints of God I ask you this day, are you being a butler? A butler signifies a connection to the King. A cupbearer that’s full of The Holy Spirit. A person that connects others to the Lord and Savior of our lives. A butler is a person that garners favor from the King, as in the story of Nehemiah and King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 2:7-9. Everything Nehemiah required for his journey and to build back the broken walls of Jerusalem was granted.
Brothers and sisters, Joseph was connected to the King through the butler. Joseph ended up being promoted to governor over Egypt. Through this connection, all of Egypt was connected. Even Joseph’s family got connected. Are you being a butler?
God Bless.